In front of the Dallas temple with the newly weds. Congratulations Kevin and Jaime!
Livvy and Great Grandma Cahoon. Grandma is such a trooper. She has a gazillion grandkids and still makes it to their weddings. She has always been such a tremendous example of putting family first. It's understandable why the Cahoons are such a tight knit group. We love this lady!
Now that is a happy man. He should be - Jaime is a fantastic girl. We are thrilled to welcome her to the Monson clan. Jaime, good luck taking care of his rose smelling hockey equipment.

While in Texas we got to see some of our old buddies from Austin times. Trent and Jamie Bates, friends from the Shoal Creek ward, let us crash their house for a night. As you can see, lots of love.
Loved the dolphins! One actually jumped right up and almost touched Livvy. She was fascinated, though that was a bit too close for comfort!
Sea World was a great time. I forgot how hot and humid it is in Texas!! Livvy had a blast trying to drink as much water as humanly possible.
Can't go to Sea World without a picture of Shamu!
So Livvy does this thing where we ask her "Where's your happies?" Arms go up in the air, big smile appears on her face - this happens even when she's really sad. She takes a break from her sadness, shows her happies, then continues her sads. It's pretty funny.
After a hellish trip from Texas to Arizona with Livvy screaming in the back for the last couple of hours (she did pretty terrific during the trip overall considering the number of hours we spent in the car), this is how we felt. Never had a home look more inviting than Mom and Dad Martinsen's that day.
Livvy was so ecstatic to be out of the car and so happy to be with her Arizona family. In this video she's running from Great Grandma Martinsen to Grandpa Martinsen. So fun to be here.
Nothin' but her diaper, playing for hours with Grandpa and Brutus in the backyard, this is the life!
Feeding the goats with Grandpa. Livvy loves animals, so she had a hay day with goats, dogs, chickens, roosters, and horses. It was a little piece of heaven, especially after spending so much time cooped up in a car seat!

Snuggling up with Uncle Brad.
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