This is one of our all time favorite pictures. That is so Livvy. She is such a happy baby. Who's that hotty with her?
Check out the gourmetness. There's no going half way when Mom, Dad, and food are involved! I mean seriously, look at that sandwich! Mmmmm.
Livvy had such a fun time playing in the sand. It was tricky trying to keep it out of her mouth! She was just learning to sit up (about 6 months).
I absolutely love the San Diego temple, though I've never been inside. It looks just like a castle. We had to stop here for a picture on the way back. So pretty!
At La Jolla beach. Livvy loved this little pool we found in a cave right by the beach. What a beautiful spot. While Grandma and Grandpa got some R&R, (okay, while they went shopping and cooked yet another great meal), the kids went to La Jolla for some fun.
Aunt April watched Olivia while Rob and I went snorkeling. We didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but it was still really fun. I have a love hate relationship with the ocean. Love it because it's fascinating - it seems so mysterious. Hate it for the same reason, it's kind of scary - you just don't know what's lurking behind the seaweed.
On our way back to the beach house, we stopped at the La Jolla Aquarium. Good times.
A little quality Grandma time. Thanks to Grandma, Livvy was all dolled up in the cutest summer outfits.
More pictures that April took.

This is just before we left for home. Livvy loves her Auntie Sarah - so cute, and they didn't even plan the twinner outfits. Aunt Sarah is now an amazing sister missionary in New Zealand having lots of great adventures!!
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