Does Brooklyn look a bit worried? Good reason to:) Livvy loves holding her baby sister.

Oh what a beautiful little baby! She is such a sweetheart, very content, talented eater and pooper!

I gave Rob snowshoes - got myself some too:) He was pretty excited. It'll be a new hobby for us! When I asked Rob what he wanted for Christmas, snowshoes was on the list. The funny thing was that I'd already planned on getting him some. I'm so good!
Livvy absolutely loves Uncle Kev. He's so fun and crazy!
Kickin' back with Aunt Jaime.
Okay, I had to include this picture of the Christmas dress. Livvy was so excited to put her new red dress on! Sweetie pie.
More jammies, compliments of Grandma Martinsen:)

Christmas day night we went to temple square to see the lights. It was chilly!! The lit up nativity scenes and candles on the water were beautiful! I am always so amazed at the Salt Lake temple. It is so gorgeous and there's so much history in it.

Grandpa and Grandma Monson with the grandkids.
Boy does Rob look snazzy in those pj's!!!!
ReplyDelete....okay, I'll go normal next year :)
Love you all!