Great form Rob, I'm sure that one was a strike!
Ya know, bowling was never my thing. For some reason I've never really enjoyed it. Maybe it was one too many awkward bowling dates during my single years. So I haven't been for a long time. I found out that it's much more fun going with my family:)
Olivia got a kick out of pushing the big heavy green ball down the ramp.
That fun soon gave way to much greater fun climbing up the ramp and sliding down.
Okay seriously Rob, put the phone away, it's family time:)
We went to the final game between BYU and San Diego. It was broadcast in the Marriott Center. Rob even got interviewed and was on TV. I didn't know how to include the link, so I'll figure it out and put it on. Check back:) Such an intense game. I had to leave with about 10 minutes left to go to a Relief Society activity. I'm not one for texting during things like that, but I had to find out who won!! Go Jimmer!
Kev came up from Texas to recruit for his pest control company. He looks so enthused here doesn't he.
Mom hanging out at the back with Livs.