Harward Farms in Springville has a great little corn box (like a sandbox but with corn kernels), brilliant actually, the girls loved it. It was a full time job keeping kernels out of Brooky's mouth but we got through it.

Oh what a cute little pumpkin!
They have a little petting zoo. I have never seen such an enormous pig! Wow.
We went on a little hay ride around the farm.
Livvy the Witch's favorite Old Macdonald Farm puzzle.
This was a healthy Halloween treat idea I got from familyfun.com (great website). It's made with a pear, apple slices, carrot shreddings, a chocolate cookie, and a sugar cone. Guess what got eaten? Yep, the sugar. Didn't help that the pear wasn't ripe at all. Oh well it was fun.
We had a Halloween party for our playgroup. Liv and her friends are on a treasure hunt, looking for clues on small black paper cats. This was a highlight for the kids, and pretty funny to watch. One kid would start running down the hall with no clue, then all the others would follow. They found the treasure...eventually:)
Brooky and Charlotte, just hangin' out, scouring the floor for dropped candy, paper, really anything they could put in their mouths.
Paka was a lifesaver. I was in charge of the activity so it was busy - she helped Liv with the craft and watched my girls, along with Dhiren. What a trooper!
My neighbor found this bouncy house at DI for $4.00! It was a hit!
Brooky just loved the pumpkin goo. Really? I can do this?
Livvy took her pumpkin painting very seriously.
We all had the beginnings of stomach flu, so we did a quick trick or treating around the block.
And we're off.