It's high time for an update on Brooky and all of her developments. She has a very content, happy, and inquisitive nature and is more inclined to wonder, "What in the world is Uncle Tyson doing?" than to laugh at his crazy antics (our family picture). She really, really wanted to go up and down the stairs and after falling halfway down twice, she has mastered them.
Brooklyn loves to make a mess. Smearing, spreading, spilling, such great fun!
Her personality has really started to show itself, as you can see below. She makes all sorts of hilarious faces and loves to do it with her older sister. They get each other laughing so hard, it's so darn cute. I do have to say that she is a picky eater, much more than Olivia. The 2 veggies she will eat are cucumbers and green beans. Much of the time she takes a bite of dinner, then proceeds to spit it out and drop it on the floor. Stinker. She does have a few favorites: spaghetti, pizza, lasagna, shepherds pie, and of course, grilled cheese.
Brooky loves the outdoors and often goes to the door and jibber jabbers something that means "take me outside now!" She is starting to talk. Her vocabulary is hi, bye, mama, dadda, gone (milk in her sippy cup), and no (Liv taught her that in a hurry).

Brooky is also super musical. She is often humming little tunes and as soon as music comes on, she lights up. She doesn't do it as much as she used to, but she would start leading the music when she heard it, especially in church, just like the ward chorister. She loves to dance and one of her favorite things to watch is the Mormon Message "I am a Child of God." Oh what a cutie pie! I rock her at night and sing songs to her. She has started singing some songs with me (mostly she jabbers and gets the last word of each phrase really well - Twinkle Little Star, I am a Child of God, and I Love to See the Temple are the ones she's getting really good at. It's a precious time.
Why is it so stinkin' cute when kids try on shoes way too big for them?
Just kickin' back a churro at Rob's Espanolandia (BYU activity). Brooky has gained a great love for snacks - crackers especially, and sugary foods. I was so diligent not letting Olivia have very many sweets, but it has been harder with my second. How do you say no when big sister is eating crap? I want to eat crap too!!
Fooling around with Dad's bike helmet. She is talking a lot more now (this post has really spanned a lot of time). When Rob comes home the garage door always goes up so he can put his bike away and she hears the sound. So now whenever she hears the garage door she says, "Daddy's home!" Brooky can now mimic almost anything we say and can say a lot of words. She does still often break out in absolute gibberish and it's pretty hilarious because she's so sincere in what she's saying. Oh we love our Brooky!
She is adorable. I sure miss you. I hope all is well.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweetheart! Thanks for the comment you left. I'd love to get together. Let's have a summer play date.
ReplyDeleteI love her! So does finishing a long post mean you are feeling better? Hope so!
ReplyDeleteJust looking at Brooky makes me break into a smile!